Friday, October 16, 2009

update on jimmy's ear

Well I started a blog on an update about Jimmy's hearing test a few days ago, but monster #3 (Derrick) erased it when I left the room for a min. So here is my 2nd attempt,lol

Well he did the hearing test, they stuck him in a sound proof room and hooked all kinds of things up to his little ears and then all kinds of charts came on the computer. After doing that for a few they then shut him in the soundproof room and she would ask him to say things back that he heard through the ear phones and to also raise his hands when he heard a beep. He did so well, but I knew something was not right. There was a few times she told him to say something and he just looked at her like he new she said something but was not sure. My heart stopped. As a Mom you want your kids to be happy and healthy and I am sitting there like oh Shit something is not right. Well after they were done she said His left ear is great, his right is having some problems. His little ear drum is dropped some and not picking up as well as it should. All I could do was say ok, is it perminent damage? Thankgod she said no that she can tell by looking at him and hearing him talk that he has some allergy and or sinus problems. And after thats taken care of they will retest him and he should do fine. Thank you Thank you Thank you is all I could think.

Now I knew he has allergies and they drive me nuts. His nose is always running and there are days his big brown eyes are just so red and puffy. When we went to the doctors the week before I had stressed my concerns on how to get his allergies under controll so he is on a allergy med and a nose inhaler and we are going to give it 2 weeks to see if he improves if not then we are going to have to check his sinuse cavity and go see a ear nose throat dr. So after thats all taking care of then his ear should also be ok. I nursed that little monster till he was 14 months old and man that kid has allergies to many things.

on another note, we want to Jimmys first school fall festival. It was so darn cute, they had bounce houses and games set up and little booths for nail painting, hair coloring, face painting, craft tables ect. They turned the music room into a dance club with music and disco balls and glow sticks. The kids had a blast!!! My husband even got into it . He is such a big kid!! I swear he was the only parent to do the potato sack race aginst the other kids,lol of course he made sure he fell a few times so he would get beat. I wish we would have had stuff like that while in school, it was nice fun for a family to do and the kids could also hang with thier school friends. And Jimmy has many, kids were running to him all night. The girls would pat him on the back say hi, giggle and run.hahaha

Jim had the day off. So the night before he tells me not to back Jimmy a full lunch just to put a few things in. So when it was coming on lunchtime at Jimmy's school Jim ran up to mcdonalds got him a happy meal and went and had a surprised lunch with Jimmy. Jim said it was perfect timeing, that jimmy was unpacking his lunch and kept looking in his lunch bag with a puzzled look like where is my sandwhich, he looked up and their was his daddy with mcdonalds! So Jim sat down and had lunch with Jimmy and his class. Jim said it was like a treat for all the other kids they kept trying to sit closer and asking Jim all kinds of questions.
Well then he picked Brooklyn up from school, and when she seen him I guess she yelled daddy and ran to him. He then took her to mcdonalds for a afterschool happy meal, cause in my house you cant get one kid something without doing the same for the other. So the kids loved it and I liked the fact I dint have to go get Brooklyn. So all in all it was a great day!!

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