Friday, September 11, 2009

an update

oh my its been a very pretty long time since I have blogged, So much has gone on and I really dont have time to get to much into at the moment. So this will be quick and maybe at a later date I can go into it more.

well My husband Jim's job was killing him, he was never home and when he was home he worked on the laptop and blackberry every second of the day, he would fall asleep at the laptop he would be waken up at odd hours because of work, he had lost like 20lbs in 2 years due to all the stress, started having annxiety attacks, the first one he had, he knew something was wrong and went to the drs and they put him on meds and pretty much told him he should think of getting a new job that this one would most likley lead to a heart attack ( both his dad and grandfather had died in there early 50s due to heart problems, so I know that freaked him out) but he loved his job has been doing it for 12 years and makes really good money. My father also works for the same company and I had to(thats how we met) but about 4 years ago the companey was sold and the new owners dont care about the people all they care about is the money and they are pretty much killing the people. well thats just a short version anyways come may he (my hubby) pretty much had it, he was at his breaking point and didnt know what to do, so it got bad for a minute I talked him into going on med leave to give him some time to work it all out, so he did but he was just a mess. Broken is the only word that comes to mind when I think of it.
I did my best to keep things normal, which was hard at times. we were getting screwed every which way you could think, his short tearm disability denied us saying his issues was due to work, DUH!!!!! so they said workmans comp which we knew was gonna be bullshit since there is no physical injury, so again turned down. thankgod we had some money saved. and he ended up being on med leave from begging of may till June 25th and then we decided it was time to end it, move on. he is still young enough to start over and I knew something would come his way, yeah I knew we would end up taking a major paycutt, but I reather have him home and able to do things with us.
it got pretty hairy for a min. but he found a new job, he is in a 3-4 month training program and its a big paycut but you know what we will make it work, having him really be home when he is home is awesome, he has more energy and just seems like my old Jim.

well the kids are back in school. Brooklyn is in her first year of pre-k and she likes it and on her 2nd day she made a best friend,lol
Jimmy is in kindergarten now and loves it, He has already brought such great reports home from his teacher, he is just a amazing little man.

And then there is My Derrick who is home with me and I think he is now enjoying that mommy Derrick time, like today after we dropped the kids off at school we got breakfast and went to the beach and ate and had a nice walk.
well there is one thing left to blog about but that subject is just something I cant get into right now so maybe another day another blog. thanks for reading....

1 comment:

  1. I think it is the greatest when you see your kids growing up. I know it kills, but it does make me smile. Kaleb is also loving his mommy and him time.
